Saki Hikari Fancy Goldfish 200g


SKU: BAGHIKP0015 Category: Tag:


Saki Hikari Fancy Goldfish colour Enhancing – A colour enhancing With Growth Characteristic, Premium Daily Diet for Goldfish. A revolutionary, health improving diet for all varieties of Premium Grade Goldfish to develop to their best potential! The inclusion of beneficial living microorganisms (Hikari-Germ) offers more complete assimilation, reduced waste, improved resistance to disease and increased growth rates. Lab results verify the perfect balance of purified Astaxanthin (a carotenoid) and pure-cultured spirulina deepens the red tones without negatively impacting the white areas of the goldfish. Our most advance goldfish diet which includes live (viable) beneficial micro-organisms (Hikari-GermTM) which help improve enzymatic activity and allow your pet to more fully digest the nutrient offering. Higher levels of Vitamin E and stabilized Vitamin C are added to further support immune system health. The Hikari-Germ? by reconditioning the waste in to smaller particles your filter can more readily handle can improve overall water quality, filter effectiveness and helps reduce regularly scheduled maintenance. Feed 2 to 4 times daily, the amount your fish will consume within a few minutes. Care should be taken to avoid over-feeding. Always remove any uneaten food after the feeding period to avoid water quality issues. When the water temperature is consistently below 10?C (50?F) or above 30?C (86?F), reduce the amount of fed based on the activity level of your fish and condition of your aquarium. We recommend Saki-Hikari Color Enhancing as a daily diet for all types of premium grade or fancy goldfish, especially Ranchu.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg